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Written By Mike Arnold - Edited By Claire Watson



Concert Blast has conducted numerous interviews with various music artists. This chapter is devoted to a couple of main questions we always try to ask in our interviews, “Name a crazy experience that has happened to you or that you’ve seen in the crowd while performing in concert.” – or – “Name an embarrassing time for you while performing on stage.” Enjoy the following experiences from these artists.


BRAD GILLIS(with Ozzy Osbourne)
Brad: When I was playing with Ozzy back in 82, when Night Ranger was trying to get a record deal, that’s when they had the whole incidents with all the, you know bats and doves and all that stuff. When I was playing on stage with Ozzy, people were trying to sneak in little animals and throw them on stage.
Tom: Oh, I bet they did! That’s Good!” (laughter)
Brad: They’d throw up like dead rats and bats and all these things. But one time somebody snuck in a snake, a real snake, but it wasn’t alive, it was dead.
Brian: Alice Cooper fan.
Brad: And the guy threw it up on stage and wrapped it around Ozzy’s neck, and he goes WOOAAHHH, stop the show, you know, it was pretty wild.


CHAD BUTLER (with Switchfoot)
Chad: I remember back in the day, I was the only one old enough to rent a vehicle. We flew in, rented a van, got out on the road. We’d only been on tour for a few hours, and I fell asleep at the wheel, and almost wrecked the van. The guys had to jump up and grab the wheel and get us out of a ditch. Yeah in those moments, you know. I think it was like those, what do they call those bumps?
Brian: “Oh, those little ridges they got on the side of the road.
Chad: That wakes you up… and the screams from the other band members.


DEREK ST. HOLMES (with Ted Nugent)
Derek: We played Dallas, Texas and the Fire Marshall shut the show down because people were shooting off firecrackers and stuff like that. So we left the stage the Fire Marshall said, “Now we’re not gonna have these guys return to the stage until things settle down!” Well they got so wild, they started ripping the seats up out of the auditorium, throwing them into a pile at least seven feet tall, setting them on fire, inside the building. Three different piles - in the isles.
Mike: So from the stage you saw these big bonfires?
Derek: Huge bonfires, out in the middle of anyone of those inside auditoriums, it’s just frightening. It was wild man.


EDDIE MONEY and JESSE MONEY (Eddie's daughter and backup singer)
Eddie: I’ve gotta tell you the truth, I was looking at three or four girls in the audience and I thought they were lipping, “I love you, I love you,” but what they were lipping was “Your fly is open!”
All: (Laughter)
Eddie: That was pretty embarrassing, but thank God I had underwear on, you know.
Jesse: I don’t know, for me every night is a just little bit embarrassing, because my dad always has to make a comment about my outfit!
Eddie: Well sometimes I think the skirt is a little too short.
Jesse: Whatever.
Eddie: I mean, I am your father, you know what I’m sayin’?
Jesse: Well I’ve got to look hott, so...”
Eddie: What does she need, a pole out there for Christ’s sake?
Jesse: I hate it when he makes that dumb joke. That’s a stupid joke! And what do you need a cane?
Concert Blast: WHOOAAAHHH!



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